
All posts for the day August 4th, 2015

mostly sunnySunny and hot today, as usual.

Some kids in school but our schools in the north are waiting til next week.

A wee bit hectic @ work, I haven’t figured out the issue with the Certs not being installed on the device I have. Also, they are wanting me to finish with the story about the NAC issue.

I was excited to head on home and get to cleaning up some more of my electronic / computer stuff. I want to begin to really get rid of the JUNK in my life. I am also getting to organize the shit I do have so I can actually find it when I want it. I’ll be also trashing more old boxes for things I have no devices for and getting rid of hard drives that for some odd reason I’ve been hording.

Got a text from Autumn and I have to admit I wanted to head over to Parma and have a few beers with her. Aimee was working the bar AGAIN, she has been there a lot since Lindsey is out on a cruise. She certainly is very easy on the eyes, and continually keeps my attention.

Came home and did get through some of the Office closet and did some organizing of things in the lab.