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Just finished this audiobook, gives you something to think about. Also, I read that back in 2007 they said it was going to be made into a movie, along with Enders Game also by Card. Enders Game is suppose to be out in 2013 but Hidden Empire (sequel to Empire) is possibly going to be the movie that is made and will tell the story of both books.

The book follows U.S. Army Major Reuben Malich and U.S. Army Captain Bartholomew Coleman, both former Special Forces officers, as America falls into a civil war after the assassinations of both the American President and Vice President. A radical leftist army calling itself the Progressive Restoration takes over New York City and declares itself the rightful government of the United States.

when I finished the book, Scott Card, talked about people on both political sides (left, right) only condemn the fanatics on the other side, not the ones on theirs. Basically stating that if everyone were more moderate, accepted each other and didn’t feel that another’s opinion and feelings are harmfull to their feelings that things would be a lot better, I tend to agree.

Empire (2006 novel) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.