
All posts tagged summits

I got a new spin on the issue I was working on, seems that maybe I can just add a few things into a table used to indirectly assign channels by the Profile assignments and maybe then assign the channels in a Channel Set indirectly to the profiles the Channel Set is directly assigned to.

I ended up stopping in at the Summits in Cumming,GA again in order to pick up a Negra Modelo glass, the beer was basically just OK but the glass is cool. Also had an order of chicken quesadilla and although I tried to be able to talk with the very cute brunette there I instead ended up with the oddball dude.

The trek across on Hwy 20 wasn’t so bad this evening, I got home in plenty of time to print the photos from Hooter’s Halloween for Patty and also got a little nap in before heading over to Trivia.

We didn’t win and I was instrumental in missing some questions, I really thought I was correct, sorry guys. I found out that one of the Hooters Gals were arrested early in the morning on the 2nd, some altercation with a boyfriend, they found a fake ID so she got in more trouble than necessary, she also looked really tired in the photo, why would someone look tired like that when they are only 19 years old? JG